precise, precious & special handmade editions
what we can create new, we also restore
Bookbindery Seugling compiles your information into an individual and distinctive whole. Using paper, carton and related materials for a bound document, we meet the highest standards.
We create for you a unique product for your magazine, journal, contract, business proposal, musical score, baby or wedding book, memorial book, photo book, dissertation, presentation, annual report, travel story, dummy, or any other production you have in mind.
All of these we manufacture carefully in a limited edition or as unique pieces. In our workshop we also emboss and stamp all titles, in various languages. We produce covers; we restore books, slip cases, boxes, folders and other products.
For this we use top quality materials to achieve top quality products. We use linen, buckram cloth, paper, silk, leather, oasis goatskin, wood veneer, cloth linings and various traditional and special kinds of marbled paper.
Please feel free to ask us any question. We are looking forward to hearing about your project.
Boekbinderij Seugling ~ Amsterdam sinds 1923
Veemkade 572 B | 1019 BL Amsterdam | T. +31 20 626 40 60